Interview with Arved Fuchs – Probes, Expeditions, Astaxanthin

Arved Fuchs is a German polar explorer and author. He has been using Sea & Sun Technology probes on his expeditions for many years. We spoke to him about his expeditions, our probes and their use on his expeditions, as well as our microalgae products.   SST: Please tell us something about yourself and your

Sea & Sun Technology participates on EGU General Assembly – 23-28. April 2023 in Vienna

We present our latest development of a towed instrument array together with our CDT- and Microstructure-Probes at the European Geoscience Union. The EGU General Assembly 2023 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. For all scientist investigating water, Sea & Sun

Heinz Schelwat spoke at the status conference “Maritime Technologies” 2022

In December last year, the “Maritime Technologies” status conference took place in Berlin. The conference is a showcase for the maritime industry and brings together well-known innovation drivers from industry, research, associations and politics at the invitation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK). Among the 350 participants, Sea & Sun

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Podcast – Fascination Multiparameter Probes with Heinz Schelwat

Heinz Schelwat, Managing Director of Sea & Sun Technology GmbH, talks about the production and use of probes that can be used to measure water quality in the world’s oceans, but also in rivers, lakes and reservoirs with high precision. How do you imagine working at Sea & Sun Technology? How are probes built? Where

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New Calibration Laboratory in China is ready and will be up and running soon

Tianjin: 24th of January: Together with our shareholder and partner Zhonghuan TIG Meteorological Instruments Co., Ltd. from Tianjin Sea & Sun Technology has completed the construction of our mutual calibration laboratory within the corporate headquarter in Tianjin. Within some weeks our clients have a second possibility to have their CTD probes calibrated, without any problems

Sea & Sun Technology CEO Heinz Schelwat becomes Visiting Professor at Tianjin University

Tianjin: 16th of January: In a wonderful ceremony our CEO Heinz Schelwat received the certificate of appointment as visiting Professor. Mr. Ma Chunguang, the executive vice president of Zhonghuan Information College Tianjin University oft Technology and deputy secretary of the party committee gave him a warm welcome and pointed out the importance of this appointment. The